Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank, it has been said, gave a face and a name to the horror of the Holocaust. This is her story. It relates how Anne, her family, and their friends hid in secret rooms-"the Annex"-in an Amsterdam warehouse for 25 months. Anne, just 13 when the family moved in and only 15 when the Gestapo at last broke down the doors of her secret world, found hope where there was only fear and the first blush of love when outside and all around there washed a sea of hate.

Wrote Ernst Schnable, a German writer who has researched Frank's life: "Out of the millions that were silenced, this voice no louder than a child's whisper has outlasted the shouts of the murderers and has soared above the voices of time."

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank, it has been said, gave a face and a name to the horror of the Holocaust. This is her story. It relates how Anne, her family, and their friends hid in secret rooms-"the Annex"-in an Amsterdam warehouse for 25 months. Anne, just 13 when the family moved in and only 15 when the Gestapo at last broke down the doors of her secret world, found hope where there was only fear and the first blush of love when outside and all around there washed a sea of hate.

Wrote Ernst Schnable, a German writer who has researched Frank's life: "Out of the millions that were silenced, this voice no louder than a child's whisper has outlasted the shouts of the murderers and has soared above the voices of time."

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Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

by Anne Frank

Narrated by Susan Adams

Unabridged — 8 hours, 55 minutes

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

by Anne Frank

Narrated by Susan Adams

Unabridged — 8 hours, 55 minutes

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Anne Frank, it has been said, gave a face and a name to the horror of the Holocaust. This is her story. It relates how Anne, her family, and their friends hid in secret rooms-"the Annex"-in an Amsterdam warehouse for 25 months. Anne, just 13 when the family moved in and only 15 when the Gestapo at last broke down the doors of her secret world, found hope where there was only fear and the first blush of love when outside and all around there washed a sea of hate.

Wrote Ernst Schnable, a German writer who has researched Frank's life: "Out of the millions that were silenced, this voice no louder than a child's whisper has outlasted the shouts of the murderers and has soared above the voices of time."

Product Details

BN ID: 2940169887372
Publisher: HN Publishing
Publication date: 01/01/2018
Edition description: Unabridged
Sales rank: 294,107
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