Title: Funny Girls: Guffaws, Guts, and Gender in Classic American Comics, Author: Michelle Ann Abate
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Title: On the Graphic Novel, Author: Santiago García
Title: The Comics of Alison Bechdel: From the Outside In, Author: Janine Utell
Title: Ed Brubaker: Conversations, Author: Terrence R. Wandtke
Title: Dave Sim: Conversations, Author: Eric Hoffman
Title: Dictionary of British Cartoonists and Caricaturists: 1730-1980, Author: Mark Bryant
Title: The 10 Cent War: Comic Books, Propaganda, and World War II, Author: Trischa Goodnow
Title: Monstrous Imaginaries: The Legacy of Romanticism in Comics, Author: Maaheen Ahmed
Title: Drawing France: French Comics and the Republic, Author: Joel E. Vessels
Title: Monstrous Women in Comics, Author: Samantha Langsdale
Title: Visible Cities, Global Comics: Urban Images and Spatial Form, Author: Benjamin Fraser
Title: Seth: Conversations, Author: Eric Hoffman
Title: Working-Class Comic Book Heroes: Class Conflict and Populist Politics in Comics, Author: Marc DiPaolo
Title: The Expanding Art of Comics: Ten Modern Masterpieces, Author: Thierry Groensteen
Title: Ms. Marvel's America: No Normal, Author: Jessica Baldanzi
Title: Lynda Barry: Girlhood through the Looking Glass, Author: Susan E. Kirtley
Title: Autobiographical Comics: Life Writing in Pictures, Author: Elisabeth El Refaie
Title: The Comics of Hergé: When the Lines Are Not So Clear, Author: Joe Sutliff Sanders
Title: Comics and Language: Reimagining Critical Discourse on the Form, Author: Hannah Miodrag

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