Title: Techniques of Satire: The Case of Saltykov-Scedrin, Author: Emil A. Draitser
Title: Radical Satire and Print Culture, 1790-1822, Author: Marcus Wood
Title: Life in the Chastity Zone, Author: Holly Brandon
Title: Alexander Pope, Author: Paul Baines
Title: Lucian of Samosata in the Two Hesperias: An Essay in Literary and Cultural Translation, Author: Michael O Zappala
Title: The Politics of Irony in American Modernism, Author: Matthew Stratton
Title: At Zero Point: Discourse, Culture, and Satire in Restoration England, Author: Rose A. Zimbardo
Title: The Tale of a Tub, Author: Jonathan Swift
Title: Eighteenth-Century Satire: Essays on Text and Context from Dryden to Peter Pindar, Author: Howard D. Weinbrot
Title: The Satiric Worlds of William Boyd: A Case Study, Author: Juan Francisco Elices Agudo
Title: English Versions of Roman Satire in the Earlier Eighteenth Century, Author: William Kupersmith
Title: Directions to Servants, Author: Jonathan Swift
Title: Prospects Of Power: Tragedy, Satire, the Essay, and the Theory of Genre, Author: John Snyder
Title: Alexander Pope / Edition 1, Author: Paul Baines
Title: Alexander Pope / Edition 1, Author: Laura Brown
Title: Byron the Satirist, Author: Frederick Beaty
Title: Shelley's Satire: Violence, Exhortation, and Authority, Author: Steven Jones
Title: The Hidden Author: An Interpretation of Petronius's Satyricon, Author: Gian Biagio Conte
Title: Modern Satire: Four Studies, Author: Peter Petro
Title: Assault on Society: Satirical Literature to Film, Author: Donald W. McCaffrey

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