Title: Politics, Gender, And Genre: The Political Thought Of Christine De Pizan, Author: Margaret Brabant
Title: The Poems and Prose Poems of Charles Baudelaire, Author: Charles Baudelaire
Title: An Essay On French Verse: For Readers of English Poetry, Author: Jacques Barzun
Title: French Verse-Art: A Study, Author: Clive Scott
Title: The Long and the Short of It: A Practical Guide to European Versification Systems, Author: Joseph A. Dane
Title: Romance Epic: Essays on a Medieval Literary Genre, Author: Hans-Erich Keller
Title: Reading Fabliaux, Author: Norris J. Lacy
Title: Baudelaire and Freud, Author: Leo Bersani
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Title: La Mythologie dans l'ouvre poétique de Charles Baudelaire, Author: Maya Hadeh
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Title: Baudelaire and Schizoanalysis: The Socio-Poetics of Modernism, Author: Eugene W. Holland
Title: Poetry and Fable: Studies in Mythological Narrative in Sixteenth-Century France, Author: Ann Moss
Title: Rimbaud: Visions and Habitations, Author: Edward Ahearn
Title: The Censorship Effect: Baudelaire, Flaubert, and the Formation of French Modernism, Author: William Olmsted
Title: Carpe Corpus: Time and Gender in Early Modern France, Author: Cathy Yandell
Title: French Symbolist Poetry and the Idea of Music / Edition 1, Author: Joseph Acquisto
Title: The Language of French Symbolism, Author: James R. Lawler
Title: Ezra Pound and the Symbolist Inheritance, Author: Scott Hamilton
Title: Baudelaire in 1859: A Study in the Sources of Poetic Creativity, Author: Richard D. E. Burton

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