Title: Racial Stigma on the Hollywood Screen from World War II to the Present: The Orientalist Buddy Film, Author: Brian Locke
Title: Faith and Film: A Guidebook for Leaders, Author: Edward N. McNulty
Title: Slaves on Screen: Film and Historical Vision / Edition 1, Author: Natalie Zemon Davis
Title: Sexography: Sex Work in Documentary, Author: Nicholas de Villiers
Title: Jacking In To the Matrix Franchise: Cultural Reception and Interpretation, Author: Matthew Wilhelm Kapell
Title: Queering The Terminator: Sexuality and Cyborg Cinema, Author: David Greven
Title: Eros Plus Massacre: An Introduction to the Japanese New Wave Cinema, Author: David Desser
Title: The Roman Mistress: Ancient and Modern Representations, Author: Maria Wyke
Title: The Catholic Crusade against the Movies, 1940-1975 / Edition 1, Author: Gregory D. Black
Title: Reel Spirituality: Theology and Film in Dialogue / Edition 2, Author: Robert K. Johnston
Title: Ramayana, Author: William Buck
Title: Cine-Ethics: Ethical Dimensions of Film Theory, Practice, and Spectatorship, Author: Jinhee Choi
Title: Deleuze and Film: A Feminist Introduction, Author: Teresa Rizzo
Title: Screen Tastes: Soap Opera to Satellite Dishes, Author: Charlotte Brunsdon
Title: Blue-Collar Hollywood: Liberalism, Democracy, and Working People in American Film / Edition 1, Author: John Bodnar
Title: Film Noir, American Workers, and Postwar Hollywood, Author: Dennis Broe
Title: Children and the Movies: Media Influence and the Payne Fund Controversy, Author: Garth S. Jowett
Title: Violent Screen: A Critic's 13 Years on the Front Lines of Movie Mayhem, Author: Stephen Hunter
Title: The Blood Poets: A Cinema Of Savagery, 1958-1999, Author: Jake Horsley
Title: Real Sex Films: The New Intimacy and Risk in Cinema, Author: John Tulloch

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