Title: L'Horloger: nouvelle (�dition fran�aise) (French Edition):, Author: Anna Erishkigal
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by Toni Morrison
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Title: Jane Eyre, Author: Charlotte Brontë
Title: �chos de Rouge: roman noir, Author: Anna Bondareva
Title: Madame Bovary (French Edition), Author: Gustave Flaubert
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Cinq articles maximum
by Claire Renaud
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Title: La petite Fadette, Author: George Sand
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Mare au diable
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Title: Le sabotage amoureux (Loving Sabotage), Author: Amélie Nothomb
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Un c'est bien, deux c'est mieux !
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Title: Maman est partie chercher du lait, Author: Maude Goyer
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Réjanne - Yamaska
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À la recherche d'Alice Love / What Alice Forgot
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