Title: The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality, Author: Angus Deaton
Title: The Cure: How Capitalism Can Save American Health Care, Author: David Gratzer
Title: The Best Healthcare for Less: Save Money on Chronic Medical Conditions and Prescription Drugs, Author: David Nganele
Title: Still Broken: Understanding the U.S. Health Care System / Edition 1, Author: Stephen Davidson
Title: Poverty and the Myths of Health Care Reform, Author: Richard (Buz) Cooper
Title: Medicine and the Market: Equity v. Choice / Edition 1, Author: Daniel Callahan
Title: License To Steal: Updated Edition / Edition 2, Author: Malcolm K Sparrow
Title: Is There a Doctor in the House?: Market Signals and Tomorrow's Supply of Doctors, Author: Richard M. Scheffler
Title: Fixing Medical Prices: How Physicians Are Paid, Author: Miriam J. Laugesen
Title: Exposed: Why Our Health Insurance Is Incomplete and What Can Be Done about It, Author: Christopher T. Robertson
Title: Code Red: An Economist Explains How to Revive the Healthcare System without Destroying It, Author: David Dranove
Title: America's Health Care Crisis Solved: Money-Saving Solutions, Coverage for Everyone / Edition 1, Author: J. Patrick Rooney