Title: The Screwtape Letters, Author: C. S. Lewis
Title: The Road Home (Broken Road Trilogy #3), Author: Richard Paul Evans
Title: Where the Road Bends, Author: David Rawlings
Title: The Shack, Author: William Paul Young
Title: The Screwtape Letters: With Screwtape Proposes a Toast, Author: C. S. Lewis
Title: A Rose That Grew In the Concrete Jungle, Author: Nikki Schrell Flowers
Title: Sometimes It Causes Me to Tremble, Author: Charles Turner
Title: The Abbey: A Story of Discovery, Author: James Martin
Title: H.O.P.E.: Hold On, Pain Ends, Author: Dominique Farmer
Title: Full Tilt (HB), Author: Mapes
Title: Dark Star (HB): Confessions of a Rock Idol, Author: Creston Mapes
Title: Magnificent Obsession, Author: Lloyd C Douglas
Title: The Seat Beside Me, Author: Nancy Moser
Title: You Said: Putting God In Remembrance Of His Word, Author: Tamara Anne