Our Town
“[Our Town] leaves us with a sense of blessing, and the unspoken but palpable command to achieve gratitude in what remains of our days on earth.” — The New Yorker

Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama of life in the mythical village of Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire—an allegorical representation of all life—is an American classic. It is the simple story of a love affair that asks timeless questions about the meaning of love, life, and death. This beautiful hardcover edition features an illuminating afterword by Tappan Wilder, Thornton Wilder's nephew, and is the perfect gift for fans of this beloved tale.

Our Town explores the relationship between two young neighbors, George Gibbs and Emily Webb, whose childhood friendship blossoms into romance, and then culminates in marriage. When Emily loses her life during childbirth, the circle of life portrayed in each of the three acts—childhood, adulthood, and death—is fully realized.

Widely considered one of the greatest American plays of all time, Our Town debuted on Broadway in 1938 and continues to be performed daily on stages around the world.

Our Town
“[Our Town] leaves us with a sense of blessing, and the unspoken but palpable command to achieve gratitude in what remains of our days on earth.” — The New Yorker

Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama of life in the mythical village of Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire—an allegorical representation of all life—is an American classic. It is the simple story of a love affair that asks timeless questions about the meaning of love, life, and death. This beautiful hardcover edition features an illuminating afterword by Tappan Wilder, Thornton Wilder's nephew, and is the perfect gift for fans of this beloved tale.

Our Town explores the relationship between two young neighbors, George Gibbs and Emily Webb, whose childhood friendship blossoms into romance, and then culminates in marriage. When Emily loses her life during childbirth, the circle of life portrayed in each of the three acts—childhood, adulthood, and death—is fully realized.

Widely considered one of the greatest American plays of all time, Our Town debuted on Broadway in 1938 and continues to be performed daily on stages around the world.

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Our Town

Our Town

by Thornton Wilder
Our Town

Our Town

by Thornton Wilder


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“[Our Town] leaves us with a sense of blessing, and the unspoken but palpable command to achieve gratitude in what remains of our days on earth.” — The New Yorker

Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama of life in the mythical village of Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire—an allegorical representation of all life—is an American classic. It is the simple story of a love affair that asks timeless questions about the meaning of love, life, and death. This beautiful hardcover edition features an illuminating afterword by Tappan Wilder, Thornton Wilder's nephew, and is the perfect gift for fans of this beloved tale.

Our Town explores the relationship between two young neighbors, George Gibbs and Emily Webb, whose childhood friendship blossoms into romance, and then culminates in marriage. When Emily loses her life during childbirth, the circle of life portrayed in each of the three acts—childhood, adulthood, and death—is fully realized.

Widely considered one of the greatest American plays of all time, Our Town debuted on Broadway in 1938 and continues to be performed daily on stages around the world.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780060535254
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: 09/23/2003
Pages: 208
Sales rank: 156,149
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.25(h) x 0.77(d)
Lexile: NP (what's this?)

About the Author

Thornton Wilder (1897-1975) was an accomplished novelist and playwright whose works, exploring the connection between the commonplace and cosmic dimensions of human experience, continue to be read and produced around the world. His Bridge of San Luis Rey, one of seven novels, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1928, as did two of his four full-length dramas, Our Town (1938) and The Skin of Our Teeth (1943). Wilder's The Matchmaker was adapted as the musical Hello, Dolly! He also enjoyed enormous success with many other forms of the written and spoken word, among them teaching, acting, the opera, and films. (His screenplay for Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt [1943] remains a classic psycho-thriller to this day.) Wilder's many honors include the Gold Medal for Fiction from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the National Book Committee's Medal for Literature.

Read an Excerpt

Act I

No curtain.

No scenery.

The audience, arriving, sees an empty stage in half-light.

Presently the Stage Manager, hat on and pipe in mouth, enters and begins placing a table and three chairs downstage left, and a table and three chairs downstage right.

He also places a low bench at the corner of what will be the Webb house, left.

"Left" and "right" are from the point of view of the actor facing the audience. "Up" is toward the back wall.

As the house lights go down be has finished setting the stage and leaning against the right proscenium pillar watches the late arrivals in the audience.

When the auditorium is in complete darkness he speaks:

Stage Manager:

This play is called "Our Town." It was written by Thornton Wilder; produced and directed by A. . . . (or: produced by A .... ; directed by B .... ). In it you will see Miss C .... ; Miss D .... ; Miss E .... ; and Mr. F .... ; Mr. G .... ; Mr. H .... ; and many others. The name of the town is Grover's Corners, New Hampshire-just across the Massachusetts line: latitude 42 degrees 40 minutes; longitude 70 degrees 37 minutes. The First Act shows a day in our town. The day is May 7, 190 1. The time is just before dawn.

A rooster crows.
The sky is beginning to show some streaks of light over in the East there, behind our mount'in.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go, -- doesn't it?

He stares at it for a moment, then goes upstage.

Well, I'd better show you how our town lies. Up here --

That is: parallel with theback wall.

is Main Street. Way back there is the railway station; tracks go that way. Polish Town's across, the tracks, and some Canuck families.

Toward the left.

Over there is the Congregational Church; across the street's the Presbyterian.

Methodist and Unitarian are over there.

Baptist is down in the holla' by the river.

Catholic Church is over beyond the tracks.

Here's the Town Hall and Post Office combined; jail's in the basement.

Bryan once made a speech from these very steps here.

Along here's a row of stores. Hitching posts and horse blocks in front of them. First automobile's going to come along in about five years -- belonged to Banker Cartwright, our richest citizen ... lives in the big white house up on the hill.

Here's the grocery store and here's Mr. Morgan's drugstore. Most everybody in town manages to look into those two stores once a day.

Public School's over yonder. High School's still farther over. Quarter of nine mornings, noontimes, and three o'clock afternoons, the hull town can hear the yelling and screaming from those schoolyards.

He approaches the table and chairs downstage right.

This is our doctor's house, -- Doc Gibbs'. This is the back door.

Two arched trellises, covered with vines and flowers, are pushed out, one by each proscenium pillar.

There's some scenery for those who think they have to have scenery.

This is Mrs. Gibbs' garden. Corn ... peas ... beans ... hollyhocks ... heliotrope ... and a lot of burdock.

Crosses the stage.

In those days our newspaper come out twice a week-the Grover's Corners Sentinel -- and this is Editor Webb's house.

And this is Mrs. Webb's garden.

Just like Mrs. Gibbs', only it's got a lot of sunflowers, too.

He looks upward, center stage.

Right here . . . 's a big butternut tree.

He returns to his place by the right proscenium pillar and looks at the audience for a minute.

Nice town, y'know what I mean?

Nobody very remarkable ever come out of it, s'far as we know.

The earliest tombstones in the cemetery up there on the mountain say 1670-1680 -- they're Grovers and Cartwrights and Gibbses and Herseys -- same names as are around here now.

Well, as I said: it's about dawn.

The only lights on in town are in a cottage over by the tracks where a Polish mother's just had twins. And in the Joe Crowell house, where Joe Junior's getting up so as to deliver the paper. And in the depot, where Shorty Hawkins is gettin' ready to flag the 5:45 for Boston.

A train whistle is heard. The Stage Manager takes out his watch and nods.
Naturally, out in the country -- all around -- there've been fights on for some time, what with milkin's and so on. But town people sleep late.

So -- another day's begun.

There's Doc Gibbs comin' down Main Street now, comin' back from that baby case. And here's his wife comin' downstairs to get breakfast.

Mrs. Gibbs, a plump, pleasant woman in the middle thirties, comes 'downstairs" right. She pulls up an imaginary window shade in her kitchen and starts to make a fire in her stove.

Doc Gibbs died in 1930. The new hospital's named after him.

Mrs. Gibbs died first-long time ago, in fact. She went out to visit her daughter, Rebecca, who married an insurance man in Canton, Ohio, and died there -- pneumonia -- but her body was brought back here. She's up in the cemetery there now-in with a whole mess of Gibbses and Herseys -- she was Julia Hersey 'fore she married Doc Gibbs in the Congregational Church over there.

In our town we like to know the facts about everybody.

There's Mrs. Webb, coming downstairs to get her breakfast, too.

-- That's Doc Gibbs. Got that call at half past one this morning.

And there comes Joe Crowell, Jr., delivering Mr. Webb's Sentinel.

Dr. Gibbs has been coming along Main Street from the left. At the point where be would turn to approach his house, be stops, sets down his -- imaginary -- black bag, takes off his bat, and rubs his face with fatigue, using an enormous handkerchief.

Mrs. Webb, a thin, serious, crisp woman, has entered her kitchen, left, tying on an apron. She goes through the motions of putting wood into a stove, lighting it, and preparing breakfast.

Our Town. Copyright © by Thornton Wilder. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Available now wherever books are sold.

What People are Saying About This

Brooks Atkinson

"Taking as his material three periods in the history of a placid New Hampshire town, Mr. Wilder has transmuted the simple events of human life into universal reverie. He has given familiar facts a deeply moving, philosophical perspective... Our Town is one of the finest achievements of the current stage."

Reading Group Guide


It can be argued that the essence of Thornton Wilder's genius can be found in his greatest and most acclaimed work, the American classic Our Town (1938). Our Town chronicles the lives of the townspeople of Grover's Corners, New Hampshire during three time periods -- 1901, 1904, and 1913, respectively. We meet the omnipresent Stage Manager, who stoically narrates on a nearly bare stage the inevitable and yet unpredictable cycle of life, death, and all of the seemingly mundane things in-between. It is the simplicity of the play and the honesty of the prose that is so riveting and ultimately heartbreaking in its scope. Renowned theater critic Brooks Atkinson's words are just as accurate now as when he first wrote them in his New York Times review of February 5, 1938 on the Broadway premiere of Our Town. "Mr. Wilder has transmuted the simple events of human life into universal reveries. He has given familiar facts a deeply moving, philosophical perspective. . . . By stripping the play of everything that is not essential, Mr. Wilder has given it a profound, strange, otherworldly significance. . . . It is a hauntingly, beautiful play."

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the significance of the nearly unadorned stage in Our Town? How does the stage being devoid of extraneous decoration enhance the inner meaning of the play?

  2. "Nice town, y'know what I mean? Nobody very remarkable ever come out of it, s'far as we know" (p. 6) proclaims the Stage Manager rather bluntly about the inhabitants of the small town of Grover's Corners, New Hampshire. Do you agree with the Stage Manager's opinion that no"remarkable" citizen lived in this town? Does the meaning of "remarkable" go beyond being a famous and noteworthy person?

  3. The Stage Manager asserts: "In Our Town we like to know the facts about everybody" (p. 7). This statement typifies the negative stereotype of small town residents knowing their neighbor's personal business. Which would you prefer -- living in a small town or a big city? How are people's personalities molded by the rural or urban environment in which they reside?

  4. Explain the role of the Stage Manager in Our Town. What does he represent and why is he an important figurehead within the framework of the play? How did you first react when he uttered the lines "Doc Gibbs died in 1930" (p. 7) and "Mrs. Gibbs died first -- long time ago, in fact" (p. 7). Does his prescient knowledge of people's lives and ultimate deaths unnerve you?

  5. How do you interpret the dialogue between Emily Webb and her mother about Emily's attractiveness? Why does Emily's mother not overly praise Emily about her good looks? "You're pretty enough for all normal purposes" (p. 32). Is she being callous by not being enthusiastic about her daughter's beauty?

  6. One of the most moving and thought-provoking excerpts in Our Town is when Rebecca Gibbs recounts to her brother George a letter that Jane Crofut received from her minister when she was ill. The minister addressed the envelope with grandiose flourish: "Jane Crofut; The Crofut Farm; Grover's Corners; Sutton County; New Hampshire; United States of America; Continent of North America; Western Hemisphere; the Earth; the Solar System; the Universe; the Mind of God" (p. 46). What do you think Thornton Wilder is proclaiming in this passage about man as an individual in the world?

  7. Explain the sentiment expressed in Our Town by Mrs. Gibbs that "people are meant to go through life two by two. It ain't natural to be lonesome" (p. 54). Do you agree with this rationale that people are meant to be paired off together and not live their lives alone? Is it this reasoning that has kept marriage alive in the 21st century? Do you believe that George and Emily sincerely wanted to wed, or was it simply expected of them as a defining rite of passage? Why didn't George and Emily's parents stop the wedding from proceeding, even though they clearly saw that their children where experiencing severe doubts up to the last possible minute about their impending nuptials? Were George and Emily's fears on their wedding day a foreshadowing of the tragedy that would come to them nine years later?

  8. The third and final act of Our Town is heartbreaking in its beauty and poignancy. The dead Emily's cries "It goes so fast. We don't have time to look at one another" (p. 108) and "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?" (p. 108). These perfectly summarize the ethereal brevity of life. What is Thornton Wilder saying about the cycle of life and the inevitability of death in Our Town? Do human beings ever truly understand that life is short and precious, or does that knowledge only come at old age, or not at all?

About the Author

Thornton Wilder (1897-1975) was an accomplished novelist and playwright whose works explore the connection between the commonplace and the cosmic dimensions of human experience. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1928 for The Bridge of San Luis Rey, the second of his seven novels, and received the Pulitzer Prize in drama for Our Town in 1938, and The Skin of Our Teeth in 1943. Wilder's hit play The Matchmaker was adapted as the musical Hello, Dolly! His work is widely read and produced around the world to this day, and his screenplay for Alfred Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt (1943) remains a classic psycho-thriller. Wilder's many honors include the Gold Medal for Fiction of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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