Title: El ciclo de tu vida/The Cycle of Your Life, Author: Rebecca Weber
Title: Struwwelpeter: Presented in both English and German, Author: Heinrich Hoffmann
Title: ¿Cómo mides los líquidos?/How Do You Measure Liquids?, Author: Heather Adamson
Title: Las personas en otoño/People in Fall, Author: Martha E. H. Rustad
Title: Cómo hacer un cohete efervescente/How to Build a Fizzy Rocket, Author: Lori Shores
Title: Trains / Trenes, Author: Nadia Higgins
Title: Bailando tap/Tap Dancing, Author: Kathryn Clay
Title: Bulldozers / Buldóceres, Author: Erin Falligant
Title: Un diente está flojo/Loose Tooth, Author: Mari Schuh
Title: Ambulances / Ambulancias, Author: Erin Falligant
Title: Tristeza es.../Sad Is..., Author: Cheyenne Nichols
Title: Preocuparse por los demás/Caring, Author: Mary Small
Title: Garbage Trucks / Camiones de basura, Author: Nadia Higgins
Title: My First Book of Portuguese Words, Author: Katy R. Kudela
Title: Miedo es.../Scared Is..., Author: Cheyenne Nichols
Title: Yo manejo una niveladora/I Drive a Bulldozer, Author: Sarah Bridges
Title: Enojo es.../Angry Is..., Author: Connie Colwell Miller
Title: Mi amiga tiene síndrome de Down/My Friend Has Down Syndrome, Author: Amanda Doering Tourville
Title: My First Book of Greek Words, Author: Katy R. Kudela
Title: Where Are My Teeth? ¿Dónde Están Mis Dientes?, Author: Ada Letelier

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